We’re a just a few hours away from 2019, but let’s not turn the page on our calendar just yet!

We recently looked at our most viewed blog posts for the year, and we’d like to share them with you.

Take a look at our 10 most popular articles in 2018:

10. The rise of the chatbots within the insurance industry

The use of Artificial Intelligence will is becoming more embedded in the personal injury and insurance industry. Chatbots, which are programs that facilitate text conversations, are expected to save companies over $79 million dollars in salary expenditures annually, and the efficiencies received by using them are in excess of 30%. Learn how this technology is impacting the insurance industry.

9. Whatever suits: GB Relax their dress code

GB Australia is strengthening links to the insurtech industry with the launch of ‘Dress for your Day’; a new flexible dress code, recognising that everyone works best when they are comfortable at work. Following a successful trial by the Innovation and People and Performance teams in our Melbourne Branch earlier this year, all GB employees now have the choice on how they will dress for their day.

8. What are the benefits of Self-insurance?

Self-insurance involves an organisation setting aside funds to manage its own potential financial risks such as workers’ compensation claims, rather than paying premiums to and relying on a third party insurance company or a WorkCover Agent for the case management. As workers’ compensation premiums can be a significant concern for Australian businesses, self-insurance is one option for larger employers to consider. Although it is a complicated topic, it’s something well worth considering.

7. Artificial Intelligence and the future of the insurance industry

With automation already affecting the insurance industry in the areas of underwriting, claims and broking, big changes to the industry are certainly imminent. Some sources have placed the number of Australian jobs with a moderate to high likelihood of being eliminated by automation within the next 10 to 15 years as more than 5 million. Is yours going to be one of them?

6. Is self-insurance right for my business and am I eligible?

Self-insurance is a workforce risk strategy where an organisation applies for a license to manage its own losses for workers’ compensation claims, as an alternative to paying premiums to a WorkCover Agent or insurer. The laws and guidelines vary between jurisdictions, with over 29 Acts and Ordinances governing self-insurance across Australia. It is a complicated topic, but something well worth considering, particularly for large employers.

5. Workplace tips for a safe and fun Christmas party and festive season

The festive season is a chance for businesses to celebrate the year, bring some joy into the office, and blow off a bit of steam. While the office Christmas party can be the highlight of the year, there is the chance that some can have too much fun and end up with OHS issues. We’ve outlined the risks associated with the festive season, your responsibilities as an employer, and some tips to help make sure everyone has a Christmas party to remember, for the right reasons.

4. What is Self Insurance?

Workers’ compensation premiums can be a significant concern for Australian businesses, especially where unbudgeted developments occur. One option for larger employers is to consider self-managing their workers’ compensation, which can improve cost consistency, and provide greater financial control of downstream services. This post, our 4th most popular in 2018, helped answer some of your questions.

3. How your workers' compensation premium is calculated

Workers’ compensation premiums can be confusing, but understanding where your premium comes from can help you develop practical strategies to reduce it. We’ve outlined the factors that determine how premiums are calculated, and some tips for keeping premium as low as possible. As an extra measure, be sure to check out our free industry relevant posters, too.

2. Liability for an injury during a workplace sport or wellbeing activity

Wellbeing activities such as sports and social events are increasing as their contributions to workplace morale and health are becoming more recognised. While the benefits of these activities are established, they also extend an employer’s liability for injury and it can be difficult for an employer to know what they are responsible for. This short guide is designed to help you, the employer, know when you might be liable for an injury during a wellbeing activity.

1. Employee or contractor? Workers’ compensation requirements for contractors, employees and businesses

In Australia, businesses are required to cover employees for workers’ compensation, but people who are self-employed or engaged as a contractor are generally expected to cover themselves. Whether you’re a business, an employee or a contractor, it’s important to understand your responsibilities and what type of workers' compensation cover you require.

So those were our top 10! Thanks for reading GB Advantage in 2018 and keep your eyes peeled for more great posts next year.

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