Changes in Workplace Safety: Personal Injury Trends Coming in 2020

We're in a time of constant change, and the field of workplace health and well-being is no different. This is an industry of great importance since people are always on the go and experiencing less work-life balance.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in the 12 months following July 2017, 563,600 Australian workers experienced a work-related injury or illness.
Workplace safety is constantly changing and improving. We’ve outlined six key trends that will shape workplace health and safety for 2020 and beyond.
1. The Field of Workplace Safety Continues to Grow and Become More Versatile
Personal injury trends are on the rise, to the point that there is special attention being paid to the many different facets of the field.
Just as importantly, workplace injuries account for more than $60 billion in injuries each year. When you can understand where and how these injuries occur, it is easier to nip them in the bud.
The field is growing so much and different professionals are carving out specialties and niches. For instance, one professional might deal with construction accident prevention, while others may specialise in bushfires or mining injuries.
If you work in a specific field, such as outdoor electricians, construction and disaster relief, you should learn how specifically worker's compensation claims affect your profession.
With more people finding expertise in these fields, it's also increasingly important that you place a priority on safety.
2. Personal Injury Lawyers are Becoming Ever More Important
Without question, personal injury lawyers are becoming one of the most sought-after expert professions in Australia. Personal injury hospitalizations in Australia have been growing at a rate of 1 per cent, per year, and this trend doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon.
As such, people have an increased need for personal injury law assistance - even if it means simply getting someone who can negotiate the best settlement amount. Attorneys that are skilled in everything from automobile accidents to worker's compensation injuries are playing a more significant role in the legal field.
You will need a quality B2B company that can help you make a claim when necessary. They'll look after your claim in detail to keep you informed on its timetable and to ensure that you're getting the payment that you deserve.
3. Professionals are Pushed Toward Holistic Health
In terms of awareness, prevention and treatment, holistic health is where it's at right now.
Not only are these alternative methods now considered legitimate - experts are also stressing their importance.
If your job is taxing to your physical and mental health, preventative holistic health measures can be valuable. Studies show that some 45 percent of Australian adults will encounter some sort of mental illness, so this makes holistic care that much more important.
Safety professionals that are constantly lifting and climbing are starting to understand the importance and legitimacy of chiropractic health. This is due in large part to the prevalence of chronic lower back pain, tension headaches, and general discomfort in these kinds of fields.
Chiropractic care is also growing in importance because it is known to help with your immune system, relieve stress and improve your overall bodily mobility. If you're working in fields that require you to brave storms and inclement weather, you'll definitely want these immune system bolstering powers working for you.
Professionals who work long hours that are labour-intensive and mentally intensive alike are also pushing yoga for all of its benefits. When you practice yoga, your body will be stronger and you'll be less likely to get injured. It also helps to improve presence and mindfulness, which cut out distractions that could lead to careless injuries.
Companies are also pushing their employees toward treatments like sensory deprivation tanks and cryotherapy. When you treat your health holistically, you are less likely to get hurt, and also less likely to burn sick days and endure fatigue and burnout.
4. Technology Is on the Rise
In order to manage workers compensation claims and to promote wellness, industries are recognising the importance of technology.
Wearables are all the rage since they help people to track their attentiveness, heart rate, hydration levels and so much more. You can even see the quality of sleep you are getting each night, which plays a role in how focused and sharp you can be in the workplace.
What's more, artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and companies are using it to look into injury trends from an analytical point of view. This way, they are better able to shape and craft policies that matter.
Someone constantly working in the field can make great use of this technology to better monitor their workdays, while also developing evidence about the accident in question.
5. Mental Health and Stress Mitigation Are at the Forefront
In 2020 and beyond, we're not just talking about physical injuries and wellness - you have to pay special attention to mental health.
People today are often overworked and burnt out. When your stress levels are out of whack, you aren't bringing your best self to the workplace, and this will eventually take its toll on you physically and create damages that keep you out of work.
As such, companies are promoting mental health in the workplace and pointing their employees toward resources. Stress mitigation is the next major frontier for people from all walks of life, since society, by and large, is over-stressed and unfulfilled.
6. Researchers are Exploring Different Work Weeks and Styles
Companies are no longer as married to traditional models of getting the job done. They recognise that the traditional 40-hour workweek in an office building had its time, but that it may not be conducive to today's business climate.
People are able to work remotely more than ever, and different workweek models are being explored to keep employees fresher and more productive. This will lead to a happier employee base, in addition to a workforce that is less likely to get hurt on the job.
As such, the idea is to drive worker's compensation claims, sick days and personal injuries down, so that liabilities are kept in check and employees are better-taken care of.
Taking frequent breaks is heavily stressed, and employees are encouraged to relax, go for walks and get fresh air throughout the course of their workday.
It's always the award-winning companies that think outside of the box and continue to innovate and incorporate these sorts of new ideas.
Consider Your Workplace Safety Needs
These tips point to important changes related to workplace safety. Regardless of what industry you work in, it pays to be completely aware of these personal injury trends.
Reach out to us online to request a worker's compensation quote, or give us a call at 1300 975 609.