Around the world, more than 800,000 people die by suicide every year. That’s roughly one person every 40 seconds and every 41 seconds for someone to be left to make sense of it.

The impacts of suicide and suicide attempts are immediate, far-reaching and long-lasting for families, friends, colleagues, communities and societies. Because for every person who dies by suicide, more than 100 people are affected.

Eight Australians die every day by suicide. In light of World Suicide Prevention Day 2020, we have collated a list of helpful resources and links that provide more information about supporting yourself or someone else who may be suicidal. Suicides are preventable and a lot can be done to prevent it at individual, community and national levels. Read on for our list of compiled resources.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10 every year. This day provides the opportunity to create greater awareness that suicide can be prevented, and to change the way suicide is understood and discussed in the community. More, it helps those struggling with mental health issues by promoting mental wellbeing, and connects people to support services.

Helpful WSPD resources