Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020

As we start the new year, we decided to take a look back at our top 10 most popular blog posts from 2020.
10. 5 Ways Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Affects Health and Safety
There are many reasons why organisations embrace diversity and inclusion - it improves productivity, fosters creativity and innovation and leads to a better connection with customers. But have you ever thought about how it affects employee health? Here we outline how promoting diversity and inclusivity leads to a healthier workplace.
9. 6 Tips to Improve Your Mental Wellness While Working From Home
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen much of the workforce suddenly shift to remote working. For those unfamiliar with working from home for an extended period, it can disrupt your mental wellness. When removed from the camaraderie of an office, you may additionally feel isolated or lonely. Check out some simple strategies you can implement to support you and your team's mental health when working from home.
8. The Risks and Hazards of working alone
Working alone can increase the likelihood of some workplace hazards or risks occurring and in those cases where incidents do occur, the consequences can be more severe. In some cases, other people may be close by, such as a cleaner working by themselves in a city office building. In other cases, the employee could be in a remote location, such as a researcher undertaking fieldwork by themselves in a national park. In either scenario, it is important that as an employer you need to understand and be adequately prepared for the challenges employees that work-alone may face.
7. COVID-19 Impact on Logistics and Freight Industry
Logistics and freight workers are at risk of exposure to COVID-19, they are in frequent contact with different people and workplaces as a part of their daily schedules, increasing their risk of exposure to COVID-19. We’ve been following updates to federal and state regulations as well as the daily obstacles logistics and freight workers are facing and in response has created this resource to help transportation companies keep informed and manage potential risks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
6. Coronavirus: How to Work from Home, the Right Way
COVID-19 left many of us having to figure out how to work from home for the first time. Knowing how to work from home takes some practice and discipline. Our team at GB put together some key strategies to assist you and your team to be healthier, happier and more productive at work.
5. What are the benefits of Self-insurance?
Self-insurance involves an organisation setting aside funds to manage its own potential financial risks such as workers’ compensation claims, rather than paying premiums to and relying on a third party insurance company or a WorkCover Agent for the case management. As workers’ compensation premiums can be a significant concern for Australian businesses, self-insurance is one option for larger employers to consider. Although it is a complicated topic, it’s something well worth considering, particularly for an employer with over 500 staff.
4. Employee or contractor? Workers’ compensation requirements for contractors, employees and businesses
In Australia, businesses are required to cover employees for workers’ compensation, but people who are self-employed or engaged as a contractor are generally expected to cover themselves. Whether you’re a business, an employee or a contractor, it’s important to understand your responsibilities and what type of workers' compensation cover you require.
3. How your workers' compensation premium is calculated
Workers’ compensation premiums can be confusing, but understanding where your premium comes from can help you develop practical strategies to reduce it. We’ve outlined the factors that determine how premiums are calculated and some tips for keeping premium as low as possible. As an extra measure, be sure to check out our free industry relevant posters, too.
2. Liability for an injury during a workplace sport or wellbeing activity
Wellbeing activities such as sports and social events are increasing as their contributions to workplace morale and health are becoming more recognised. While the benefits of these activities are established, they also extend an employer’s liability for injury and it can be difficult for an employer to know what they are responsible for. This short guide is designed to help you, the employer, know when you might be liable for an injury during a wellbeing activity.
1. Turn Social Distancing into distant socialising: Six great team building activities for remote teams
A Monash University study of the mental health effects of COVID-19 has shown a rise in anxiety and depression among the 1200 Australians surveyed. So, what can we do to address this? Staying connected through remote team building activities can make team members feel more connected, supported and boost morale. The team at GB shared their top team building activities to boost your team’s morale and increase engagement. Check them out here!
So those were our top 10! Thanks for reading GB Advantage and keep your eyes peeled for more great posts this year.
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