Little Changes, Big Difference

On average, we spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at work – so why not make it the best environment possible? Check our little tips to making big improvements on your time spent at work.


Your day starts before you even get to work – if you usually skip breakfast you’re at greater risk of high blood pressure, being overweight, and having heart issues compared to those who regularly eat within two hours of waking up.

Some of us might not be able to start our day without a coffee or four – but moderation is key here. Try to curb your caffeine intake by just having one in the morning – you’re also cutting back on the kilojoules from sugar and milk.


We know that the 2 o’clock slump is real – but did you know this could be due to dehydration? Keep a bottle of water at your desk and make sure you’re drinking regularly. You can increase your intake through eating water rich fruits like watermelon or grapes. You can also use fruit to make your water taste better!


Some workplaces have a bowl of lollies and chocolates, or even doughnuts and pastries in the tea room which are hard to resist, especially in the late afternoon. However, these high sugar treats add up. According to Sue Shellenbarger at the Wall Street Journal the cumulative effects of habitual snacking at work can make you gain 3kg a year!

Some alternatives:

  • Get a fruit bowl at your workplace
  • Keep your own healthy snacks on hand
  • Get everyone involved in making better snacking choices, especially during workplace meetings or events


Sitting down can be detrimental to your health. One method to mitigate this are sit-stand desks or ergonomic equipment.

Sit-stand desks are also great for jobs that require desk sharing - dispatch jobs, transportation, government, utilities and even casinos have 24/7 office environments. In these workplaces, adjustable seating or desk options are essential. As one employee ends a shift and another begins, the equipment can repositioned.


You should make the most of your breaks, here’s some ideas:

  • Walking during burns kilojoules but also allows you to de-stress and return to work refreshed
  • Pack a healthy, proportion sized lunch – sometimes it’s not about eating unhealthy food it’s about eating excessive amounts
  • Eat lunch – are you always on the run and don't have time to eat? By doing this consistently you could disrupt your metabolism.


Keeping your space tidy can make you feel refreshed and energised. One study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that tidying your desk can make your mind feel clearer.

Keep your workstation clean, even it’s just a couple of minutes tidying at the end of the day. Also keep sanitising wipes handy, and use them to wipe the surface of your desk often.


Taking holidays is an important part of staying healthy at work! Going on holiday can reduce stress and let you recharge your “batteries”. Increased stress is associated with a range of negative health outcomes.

If you want to discuss strategies to ensure you’re doing the best by your workforce, Gallagher Bassett can help make sure you’re managing your liabilities and keeping your workforce healthy and happy.

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