On 13th November 2017, Gallagher Bassett (GB) commenced managing claims for the Northern Territory Government. The team recently celebrated the third anniversary of the account during their Quarterly Connect celebration!

When GB was appointed to the account, five existing GB team members relocated to the Northern Territory to join the team, alongside a number of local Territorians.

John Deane, Operations Manager – Self Insurance / GB Assist, said:

“We’re thrilled to celebrate twelve team members third anniversary with GB following the Northern Territory start up, which is a true testament to the GB team culture here in the Northern Territory.

Eleven of those celebrating remain in the Northern Territory across Alice Springs, Darwin and Katherine, along with a colleague who has transferred to Accident & Health in Brisbane. Over 60% of our start up team have remained in the business three years on.”

The vast majority of those celebrating their three years were brand new to the industry when they joined GB. Many of these have progressed to Return to Work Specialist or Return to Independence Specialist roles. John added:

“It’s incredibly rewarding to have watched the team, especially those that were brand new to the industry, grow and develop with GB over the last three years, and for that combined experience to be brought into the industry in the NT.

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank those celebrating their anniversaries, they have been integral to the improved return to work outcomes we have been achieving in conjunction with the Northern Territory Government for their injured workers.”

Congratulations to GB’s Northern Territory team on this fantastic achievement!

With offices in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and New Zealand, and a team of more than 900 claims management experts, GB provides a unique suite of claims management and related consulting and technical services. Interesting in finding out more? Contact our team today!

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This publication is not intended to offer legal advice or client-specific risk management advice. General descriptions contained herein do not include complete definitions, terms, and/or conditions, and should not be relied on for claims management interpretation. Actual claims and risk management policies must always be consulted for full coverage details and analysis.