The Worksafe Experience – An Injured Officer Shares His Journey

On the 20th of June, Leading Senior Constable Wayne Stewart visited with GB’s claims team in Melbourne to share what his journey had been like as an injured police officer.

Wayne has been with his current employer, Victoria Police, for several years and shared stories of his experiences both on and off the job.

During the one hour session, which was part of GB’s Service First program, Wayne spoke on the importance of communication between injured worker, employer and case manager, as well as his experience as a Police Officer in both South Africa and Victoria.

Amongst some humorous anecdotes referencing his introduction into the world of policing, Wayne shared some poignant messages about the difference claims staff can make in the life of an injured worker.

“If you think you can’t make a difference in someone’s life, you can, by doing one small thing…I appreciated being able to speak to someone that listened to my point of view”.

For the 40 claims staff who attended the presentation it was an inspiring reminder of the important role they play in guiding someone through a difficult period in their life.

­­­“It was fantastic to be able to sit down and hear what the claims process is like from someone who’s lived it. It was also a great reminder of how important the service we provide to the community is,” Olivia Wilson, Case Manager.

 For Wayne, sharing his experience was also an important step in his own recovery journey.

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Wayne Stewart sharing to members of the VIC claims team.


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